St Patrick’s Day Drinking and Driving

In America, over 32 million Americans claim Irish ancestry (with about 100 million more claiming they’re at least part Irish on St. Patrick’s Day).
With this many ready to join in on the festivities, it’s no wonder that St. Patrick’s Day has become one of the nation’s most celebrated holidays.
Unfortunately, this day also has a notoriety for something less celebratory, ranking as one of the deadliest holidays we take part in.
Each year St. Patrick’s Day is honored with parades, parties, and plenty of green beer. If you drink enough of it you might even see a leprechaun or two. But all of this comes at a price. On this day alcohol violations, DUIs, and auto accidents where alcohol played a role skyrocket.
This year was no exception. Although the data is still preliminary, going off of past records shows us that drinking and driving DUIs and accidents are rampant, leaving party-goers not green with envy, but black and blue.
Sobering Statistics About St. Patrick’s Day Drinking and Driving
Each year the National Highway Traffic Saftey Administration (NHTSA) puts out data on the number of alcohol-related deaths caused by drunk driving crashes over the holiday. We don’t yet have the numbers for 2021, but in the past, deaths from drunk driving accidents were well over 50, with hundreds more accidents and thousands of injuries.
Quick Facts:
- Beer sales rise 152% on average during the holiday
- One death every 37 minutes occurs as a result of drunk driving crashes during the holiday
Operating a Motor Vehicle When Impaired Isn’t Just Dangerous, It’s Illegal
Just because it’s a holiday doesn’t mean anyone is cutting you a break. If you get pulled over or arrested for driving drunk, you’ll need more than the luck of the Irish to get yourself out of trouble.
All states take drunk driving charges seriously, putting considerable resources behind aggressively prosecuting cases and protecting America’s roadways. This is especially true in the state of Florida, where thousands of DUI cases are successfully tried each year.
For those charged with a DUI, time is not on their side. Court systems might move slow, but that doesn’t mean defendants can sit idly by. There are important dates and processes that need to be initiated in order to protect their rights and assert their innocence.
Similarly, if you’ve been injured in a car wreck as the result of a drunk or impaired driver, you too have rights that need to be promptly asserted.
At John Bales Attorneys, we have extensive experience dealing with DUI cases and navigating local Florida court systems. If you’ve been in injured in a car accident as a result of someone driving drunk, we can help.
Personal Injury Attorneys Support Drunk Driving Accident Victims When No One Else Will
In the aftermath of a drunk driving accident, law enforcement has it’s own agenda, as does the insurance companies. Police are focused on building a strong criminal case for prosecutors. Insurance companies are focused on reducing any financial liability they may have to protect their own bottom line.
But who looks out for the victims? All too often, victims get shuttled off to a local emergency room and discharged with medical bills into the thousands. Some injuries are life-altering, requiring long-term medical care, therapy and rehabilitation. In other cases, victims may no longer be able to return to their career, if they survive at all.
For these victims, a personal injury attorney can help. Victims of accidents involving a drunk or impaired driver may be entitled to file a claim and seek compensation for their injuries, medical bills, therapy, pain and suffering, property damage and more.
If you or a loved one have been injured in a car accident as a result of someone drinking and driving, call or message our firm today for a no-cost initial consultation. Our firm is dedicated to protecting the rights of accident victims and helping them get the compensation they deserve.
Find out why so many individuals and families trust us to fight for them.